Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Bad Parenting or RE: Megan Meier

I am sick of every time something bad happens, people, especially parents, turn to legislators to solve their problems. This is a rant about people giving up their freedom so they don't have to be parents. The fact is, if Tina Meier was a half decent parent, her daughter might not be dead now. People that are not mature enough to be online unsupervised should not be, and Megan Meier wasn't (obviously). Unfortunately everybody matures at different rates and there is no clear cut-off age, the US government errs on the side of caution and you cannot vote or enter into contract until you are 18. That would be a bit harsh for most of the nations youth to wait that long to be online unsupervised, but if you area bad parent (yes I'm talking about you Tina) it would be a good fail-safe age. It takes good parental know how, and you cant let your own laziness affect your vigilance. Laws and government are not a substitute for parenting, morals, common sense, and courtesy. Every single law is an infringement on freedom, and should be treated in that respect when being contemplated by legislators. The public at large has gotten in the habit of demanding the government "do something" when something goes wrong (Katrina, Megan Meier, 9/11, the "war" on drugs). When are people going to wake up and realize that the government is horrible at doing anything (Katrina, 9/11, the "war" on drugs)? Tina: If you read this, I know I'm being harsh on you, but please I implore you, don't use what happened to your daughter to try to get lawmakers to create legislation. Even if you succeed, it will be drug into the supreme court and struck down under first amendment rights (as it should be). Use your voice to raise awareness in parents that they need to wake up and watch their children. They are to precious and impressionable to be let loose on the internet alone.